Sunday 22 August 2010

8-1: Use Cognitive Biometrics

8-1: Use Cognitive Biometrics

For this practical, we would be learning on using cognitive biometrics.

First, I went to
You do not need to key in any information in order to enroll.

At introduction to passfaces, click next until you get to this page below.

At that page, try to remember the 3 faces that they have given to you. These 3 faces would be like your password.
After memorizing, click next.

You will come to a page with 9 faces.
Now, try to find the face that you memorized.
Only one out of the nine faces is the correct face.
When you get the correct face, you would go on to the next set of faces.
However, if you made a mistake, you would have to start all over again.

I find it as a well secure method instead of using passwords to enter accounts but in this demo that I have done, if I cannot remember the face, it would slowly give me hints like shaking the picture of the correct face. This would be like revealing to the hacker of which is the correct "password".


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