Thursday 3 June 2010


Practical 4-1: Using the Wireshark Protocol Analyzer

First, download wireshark from
Install it.

A protocol analyzer (Also known as a sniffer) captures packets to decode and analyze one or more protocols into a human-readable format for the network administrator. It can also store packets on disk for further analysis later on.

In this practical, I am going to connect to a fake FTP connection.

Run the wireshark.
Click Capture > Interfaces > Start

Go to Start, type cmd and press enter.
Type ftp server1.
Packets will then appear on the wireshark.
Type exit and press enter and close cmd.

Open IE and go to
Type in Gerald in username and happy for password.
It will display invalid as it is a fake account.

Then I went back wireshark and search for Gerald. And the information of is been found.

I think that this is actually most dangerous tool as it actually shows packets of information in forms of codes to the attacker.


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